Sic Semper Moranis

I hate that I didn’t realize the greatness of Rick Moranis until I was in my 50s. I was not a regular SCTV viewer, but I knew him from the Bob & Doug album and a handful of films where I liked him just fine. Today in an article about the dreaded AI version of George Carlin, someone responded that Moranis did a dead-on Carlin impersonation. So, I searched “Moranis as Carlin” on YouTube, and these were the first four responses.

Now, Mint ad aside, all three are excellent. Moranis as Carlin, Moranis as obnoxious movie exec, Moranis as Woody Allen in TAXI DRIVER.

(I’m going to recommend MY BLUE HEAVEN, a 1990 comedy with Steve Martin that is far more enjoyable than I had been led to believe. Moranis plays the straight man to Martin’s mobster. It’s a lot of fun.)